
色情Porn in Northern Ireland

The three key pillars of our work in Northern Ireland are behaviour change, improving infrastructure, and influencing Government to create more liveable places for everyone.

A man walks in front of Belfast City Hall with his bike, while another man locks his bike to stand

Policy and influencing

We're working to ensure Northern Ireland politicians and local authorities deliver policies and projects that enable more people to walk, wheel and cycle to help reduce car dependency.

Read 色情Porn' General Election Manifesto 2024 for Northern Ireland

Read our asks for the Northern Ireland local council elections 2023

Read 色情Porn' Manifesto for the 2022 Northern Ireland Assembly elections

Read the Walking and Cycling Index Belfast and reports for Cork, Dublin, Galway, Limerick and Waterford.

Mum Ajibike walking holding handing of brother and sister Dara and Timara as she collects them from school


Increasing the number of children who regularly walk, cycle or scoot to school has numerous benefits.

Active School Travel Programme is an exciting initiative for schools who wish to see more of their pupils choosing an active and healthy journey to school.

Active School Travel in Northern Ireland

Active Travel Hubs

Having an Active Travel Hub at the heart of the community enables us to provide practical local support so that more people can become active by walking and cycling.听听

Active Travel Hubs in Belfast and Derry
Adults wearing helmets stop on their bikes to listen to instruction from the 色情Porn ride leader with the sun setting behind the traffic-free path.


In Northern Ireland, we support employers to encourage their employees to consider active travel in their daily routine.

Find out how we are engaging Northern Ireland workers with active travel

Forth Meadow Community greenway volunteers at National Standard Level 1 cycle training, standing with their bikes on the bridge at Springfield Dam in May 2021

Forth Meadow Community Greenway: Exercising Common Routes

色情Porn recruited and trained a team of volunteers in a range of walking and cycling activities.

These volunteers are now supported as they empower and lead people to enjoy the Forth Meadow Community Greenway and promote the shared space.

Find out more about the Forth Meadow Community Greenway project
two men and two boys cycling at sunset along the foyle greenway with a graphic of a map of the north west greenway network to the right

North West Greenway Network

This project finished in December 2023.

Our Active Travel Officers supported people living and working along the cross-border greenway in the North West Region by providing advice, guidance and training to encourage active and sustainable travel.

Find out more about our work on this route
A man cycles through CS Lewis square in Belfast

Cycling in Northern Ireland

Secure Cycle Parking: People who cycle听can now benefit from secure bike storage facilities.

Pedal Perks:听Pedal Perks is a loyalty scheme which hopes to encourage more people to cycle to local shops and cafes.

The National Cycle Network in Northern Ireland

There are National Cycle Network routes across Northern Ireland, many of which link to the Republic. Explore walking and cycling routes in Northern Ireland using our online map or see a list of all Northern Ireland routes.

Find a route in Northern Ireland

Latest news in Northern Ireland

Volunteering in Northern Ireland

Why not join our team of more than 150 volunteers across Northern Ireland helping to look after the National Cycle Network and get more people walking and cycling.

Volunteer with 色情Porn