
É«ÇéPorn Cymru’s 2022 Local Election Asks

É«ÇéPorn manifesto asks for the 2022 Welsh local elections in English

Read our asks for candidates in the local elections

We're calling on candidates in the upcoming Welsh local elections to incorporate these asks and build a better future for Wales.

These asks will help to ensure a sustainable recovery from Covid-19.

Download our 2022 local elections asks.

The Covid-19 pandemic is a wake-up call that has both exposed and widened the inequities that exist between people and places.

This is why we call on local government to deliver ambitious leadership to ensure a sustainable recovery that is fair for all people in Wales.

There is a unique opportunity to focus on active travel and public transport services that serve all users equitably and deliver Tomorrow’s Wales, For Everyone.

Ahead of the 2022 Welsh local elections, É«ÇéPorn Cymru has set out its four clear asks of council candidates which would aid in the UK’s recovery, create a world-class legacy for future generations and make it easier for everyone to walk, wheel and cycle.

Our asks for the 2022 Welsh local elections

Ask 1: Remove barriers on the National Cycle Network.

Welsh councils have acted on people’s concerns about illegal vehicles travelling along pavements and parks by installing physical barriers.

But these barriers often prevent legitimate travel – parents pushing buggies, wheelchair and mobility scooter users, or people on bikes or trikes wider or longer than standard sizes.

1,500 barriers still exist across Wales. Let’s give people space and the opportunity to move by working to remove or redesign all restrictive barriers on the National Cycle Network.


Ask 2: Create towns and cities that put people first by making 20-minute neighbourhoods a central principle in local planning, transport, health and economic policy.

Attractive cycling and public transport networks will enable us all to reach the things we need.

20-minute neighbourhoods support local development, high streets, jobs and the local economy, all while reducing transport poverty and isolation.

Many people across Wales have been living more locally since lockdown, but too often people have been isolated.

Everyone should be able to reach essential services, green space and connect with others, no matter their demographic background.


Ask 3: Ensure every child in Wales has access to a cycle and free cycle training.

Cycling is brilliant for children as:

  • it helps them get the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day
  • teachers report that pupils who walk and cycle to school are more alert
  • it's fun and can feel much more exciting than travelling by car
  • it can help them get to know their local area and feel a part of it.

Cycling develops skills and increases children’s confidence on the roads.

It’s important that all children have access to cycles, and feel confident in riding them, to be able to tap into these benefits.Ìý


Ask 4: Build high quality walking and cycling routes for every town and city, based on Active Travel Network Mapping responses.

The key to successfully encouraging walking and cycling is to ensure that our roads, streets and public spaces are prioritised as places where people of all ages and abilities can get around conveniently, confidently and safely without a car.

Well-placed routes, based on Active Travel Network Mapping responses, can help reduce social inequity by increasing access to jobs, education and services, whilst improving health and social inclusion.