
Published: 25th OCTOBER 2021

COP26: How can you make a difference?

Many of us have heard of the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit, known as COP26. But how can we play our part in the fight against climate change? Here, we provide some useful information and guidance on how people can make a difference in their local area as we approach COP26.

There’s a lot of ‘noise’ around at the moment about the forthcoming United Nations global climate summit, known as COP26.

It’ll be held in Glasgow from 31 October and will see lots of organisations - including us - coming together as part of what is actually the launch of a year-long UK ‘presidency’.

There’s a big focus on what we’re doing as a country to embrace ways in which we’ll tackle what is being called the ‘climate emergency.


Thinking global, acting local

Yes, we’re all worried about the effects of climate change.

It’s hard to ignore worsening global weather events. And global, governmental, green initiatives are essential. But they’re beyond our individual control.

How do we as individuals take action to tackle the problems associated with the climate crisis? How can I as one person make a difference?

The thing is, for too long it’s been someone else’s problem. It’s pretty clear now that it’s ±ð±¹±ð°ù²â´Ç²Ô±ð’s problem.

We see it in our daily lives. Whether it’s the queue of traffic in front of us on the school run or congestion on the commute. Post-pandemic traffic is now worse than before.

Worse still, there's a third more traffic on the road than 10 years ago.

Yet car journeys are 20% shorter. Most car trips are less than five miles, but in town, they take longer as traffic is more congested and slower. And more polluting.

We know that traffic is bad for us – our health, our communities. And that has to change.

There's a third more traffic on the road than 10 years ago. Yet car journeys are 20% shorter. Most car trips are less than five miles, but in town, they take longer as traffic is more congested and slower.

A chance we can all grasp

The COP26 Summit, and the presidency year, gives us the optimum chance to accelerate the change that we want.

It’s here, and the time to grasp it is now.

We all recognise the need to use the car a bit less and get out into our communities more.

We can achieve this by making it easier for people to walk and cycle in their everyday lives.

This will bring positive changes to our health, and the environment.

We believe there’s a better future for local transport.

One that puts people before cars, brings our neighbourhoods back to life, and improves our experiences of where we live and our quality of life.

We have the perfect opportunity to take personal responsibility as the first step.

Keep an eye on our social media channels and share with us what steps you’re taking.


É«ÇéPorn at COP26 in Glasgow

We’ll be playing a pivotal role at the event itself in Glasgow as part of the Sustainable Transport Alliance.


Read more about our plans and what we'll be up to in our latest blog.


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