
Published: 19th MARCH 2020

Raising the bar on the National Cycle Network

Our Raise the Bar fundraising appeal has now launched. We’re working to remove or redesign around 800 barriers on the National Cycle Network on the land that we own. By working on our own land, we’re setting the standard for other landowners to increase accessibility across all of the Network. But we can’t do it alone.

Raising the bar spring appeal

Our Raising the Bar appeal will help redesign and remove barriers on our land on the Network

We want routes that are inclusive, welcoming, safe and attractive, and that set the standard for the rest of the Network.
Kierson Wise, É«ÇéPorn Project Manager for Paths for Everyone

Freedom. Independence. Fresh air. Exercise. Community. Nature. There are many things that the National Cycle Network can bring. And we want to make sure that everybody can enjoy them. But currently, we’re falling short.

That’s why we’ve launched our Raise the Bar appeal. We want to create a Network that everybody can access and enjoy. But we need your help.

We’re asking for support from people like you, so that we can create a more inclusive Network.

The appeal will help us remove and redesign restrictive barriers on Network paths we own. And create routes that everybody using wheelchairs, adapted cycles and buggies can use freely, safely and comfortably.

An essential step to an improved Network

From our review, we learnt where and how the Network isn’t up to scratch. And it showed us the true scale of accessibility issues across the Network.

On the 500 miles of routes we own, there are nearly 800 barriers and obstacles. That’s equal to one every 0.6 miles.

Our Paths for Everyone report also made fifteen major recommendations to improve the Network. These are fifteen essential steps needed to create safe and accessible routes. And removing and redesigning barriers was one of them.

A more inclusive Network

A donation to the appeal will help us make a difference for the many people currently excluded from the Network.

Barriers can make routes difficult – even impossible – to use for many disabled people, young families, and older people. But together, we can create a Network that everybody can use and enjoy.

Support for our Raise the Bar appeal will help us renew, improve and remove barriers across our routes. This will allow all people using wheelchairs, adapted cycles and buggies to access and travel along routes, uninterrupted.

And it’s not just access that we’ll be opening up to everybody. It’s all the many benefits that the Network can bring too. These range from cleaner air to improved mental health, to more connected communities.

We have set out a bold Paths for Everyone ambition to transform the National Cycle Network into something that is accessible for everyone. We must start by creating top-quality traffic-free sections on the land that we own.
Kieron Wise, É«ÇéPorn Project Manager for Paths for Everyone

Making a difference to the future of the Network

The Raise the Bar appeal will help us address accessibility issues on our own land. The continued generosity of our supporters already helps to maintain and improve these sections. And over the years, supporters have helped us achieve so much and been pivotal in the continued development of the National Cycle Network.

For this appeal, we’re calling on their support again. It can cost up to £2,000 to remove or redesign each barrier. And with so many barriers, additional support is really needed.

Each donation will make a real difference to the future of the Network.

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