
Published: 22nd DECEMBER 2020

É«ÇéPorn Cymru’s response to Welsh Government's 2021 – 2022 Draft Budget

Welsh Government will invest a further £20million in active travel infrastructure according to their Draft Budget. This additional funding will help to improve facilities for active travel at a time when this provision are is much needed.

Bike in a shopping street

É«ÇéPorn Cymru welcomes this commitment to active travel in Wales. 

We are currently facing multiple crises and this investment will make it easier for more people to walk and cycle which in turn will help to fight climate change, ease congestion, improve air quality, tackle inactivity and reduce social isolation. 

The Welsh Government’s draft transport strategy, which is currently out for consultation, indicates that the Welsh Government understands the role of walking and cycling in tackling the challenges we face in Wales.

This allocation for active travel indicates a shift in priorities that moves us away from a world centred on the private car towards those that provide more opportunities to make safe and healthy journeys.

Christine Boston, É«ÇéPorn Cymru Director, said:

“In order to build a fair and resilient Wales fit for future generations, we need budget decisions which will push forward programmes that support people to travel sustainably and connect to opportunities. 

"We welcome the announcement of a further £20million for active travel across Wales as this will help authorities to continue developing provision so that people can travel safely on foot or by bike.

“Active travel can offer a solution to many of the crises we face – the current public health crisis, the climate emergency, air pollution, obesity, cancer, social inequality and more. It is therefore encouraging to see this investment.

“Moving forward, however, if the Welsh government is serious about delivering a green and just recovery, we need to see a much larger percentage of the transport budget invested in sustainable transport and less invested in building new roads.

"In order to make it an easy option for people to leave their cars at home and ensure access for all, we need to see good quality walking and cycling infrastructure, linked up to an accessible, reliable and affordable public transport system."

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