
Published: 10th FEBRUARY 2022

色情Porn Cymru welcomes North Wales Transport Review

We welcome this announcement from Welsh Government and support the recommendations made by the Roads Review Panel. In particular, the establishment of a North Wales Transport Commission will aid the improvement of sustainable transport options in rural areas.

A woman cycling an e-bike in Barry

The Roads Review Panel recommendations make it clear that the transition away from private car travel and towards active and public transport must be prioritised. ©photojB

In order to tackle the climate emergency, we must deliver a transformation in transport and we are pleased to see Welsh Government showing commitment and making these necessary changes to deliver a sustainable Wales for all.

We know that it is the most vulnerable and disadvantaged who contribute the least and yet suffer the most from the negative impacts of road traffic, such as poor air quality, road danger, and .

This transition away from car-dependency is therefore also a transition away from exclusion and inequality and towards better, greener, safer and more attractive communities to live, work and play across Wales.

Urgent action needed

, with carbon emissions remaining persistently high over the last 20 years whilst other sectors have seen reductions.

We need urgent action to reach by 2030 and 2050.

The Roads Review Panel recommendations make it clear that the transition away from private car travel and towards active and public transport must be prioritised.

It is also clear that further road building is damaging for both people and planet and the recommendations of the Roads Review Panel make it clear that an integrated and sustainable transport network is possible for Wales.

Targeted and bold investment

Targeted and bold investment in schemes which demonstrate the wider societal impact of sustainable transport modes on communities should in practice see the end of major road building schemes.

色情Porn Cymru is committed to working with Welsh Government, the Roads Review Panel and all partners to create happier, healthier lives in Wales.

We will continue to make it easier for all people to walk, wheel and cycle, aiding efforts to deliver a safe and healthy transport network for Wales.

Find out more about our work in Wales.

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