
Published: 1st JULY 2024

Going car-free changed Paula's life for the better

Paula Downey lives in Belfast. She had been considering giving up driving when a number of factors, including ill health, combined to make her come to the decision to do it – with help from our staff and volunteers at a city centre active travel hub. This is Paula’s story:

A woman with dark hair wearing an 'I heart cycling' badge on her cream cardigan smiles for the camera outside Cathedral Gardens hub.

Paula Downey from Belfast says she's happier, healthier and more confident in herself after going car-free with help from Cathedral Gardens Hub. Credit: É«ÇéPorn

I first encountered É«ÇéPorn in the early 1990s. I admired their vital and necessary agenda and work, but they were a lone wolf crying in the wilderness, communicating a message of massive importance that no-one was supporting or funding much.

Over the years I attended a few clean-up events, but little else. However, the Get On Yer Bike programme I attended at Cathedral Gardens Active Travel Hub at the start of 2024 has been transformational for me.

It made my desire a reality and has brought changes and benefits that I could not have conceived six months ago. The change is, I hope, permanent.


'Changing my life for the better'

Promoting and advocating their work is my way of thanking É«ÇéPorn for encouraging me, empowering me and changing my life for the better. All for free!

I’m conscious of the need for change in all of us if a cleaner, greener environment is to be achieved. I’d toyed with the idea of going car-free for a year.


É«ÇéPorn helped my lack of confidence

I’d driven since my teens and I hadn’t used a bus since my schooldays 35 years ago. Like many people, I bought a bike in lockdown, got on it and realised 40 or more years had passed and I was very shaky.

I had a middle-aged lack of confidence, with the fear of falling and causing injury or just making a fool of myself. I got a puncture and the bike lay in the shed for a few years.

Being unwell led to final link in chain

Then in autumn 2023, I became very unwell and before I knew it, I hadn’t driven in over two months. I was given an exorbitant insurance renewal quote so I decided my car-free year had begun. It was the final link in the chain of events. Active travel is now a daily occurrence.

I live in a city with well-connected public transport yet relied on the car to go to the local shop. Walking in winter was no joke, I hated it. But in January 2024, I saw on Eventbrite that É«ÇéPorn was offering ‘Get On Yer Bike’, four sessions on basic road safety and bike maintenance.


Joining cycling programme 'best decision I've made in a long time'

I contacted Rachael who was Active Travel Officer at Cathedral Gardens Hub. She assured me I would be well supported and so I took a deep breath and went – the best decision I’ve made in a long time.

In three weeks I’d learned how to fix a puncture, the ABCD of bike safety and enjoyed two city centre led rides.


Sense of community among cyclists

It was like having outriders protecting you. É«ÇéPorn staff and volunteers were in front of me, behind me and beside me! I still wobbled and was a little bit scared, but within a few minutes I had a grin on my face that stayed for days.

A strange feeling came flooding over me – joy, pure joy and confidence I could do this. ‘I’m riding a bike in the city centre, yay me!’

A remarkable added benefit was that when passing other cyclists, everyone acknowledged us with a greeting. This continues anywhere I ride and I love the sense of community that these fleeting acknowledgements give.

A strange feeling came flooding over me – joy, pure joy and confidence I could do this.

I’ve been car-free for almost a year and had a total overhaul of my travel practices which I will continue.

I’m delighted to see É«ÇéPorn has survived but it needs more than to survive, it should thrive because it makes people thrive in myriad ways whilst, most importantly, changing behaviour.


'I won't insure my car again this year'

I won’t insure my car again this year – I’ll keep the money saved for a rainy day. My mental and physical health is improving at a faster rate. I am happier in general, I’m more confident in middle-aged me. I’ve more time for myself than ever before. And I fit into my size 10 trousers!

It is essential we reduce our car reliance for the planet, for cities and towns and the residents.

I used to come to Cathedral Gardens when I was a little girl. I lived a few streets away and it was known as ‘The Green’. Everyone came to it to play. It’s been great to come back – I’ve come full circle.

A group of men and women stand outside in the sun with the Lord Mayor of Belfast in the middle, wearing his gold chain of office and holding a bicycle

Cathedral Gardens Active Travel Officer, Rachael Ludlow Williams (second left) is joined by Head of Northern Ireland Claire Pollock (second right) and representatives of the funders including Anne Doherty, Ulster University (left), Professor Ian Montgomery, Ulster University (third right), Gerard Walls, Public Health Agency (right) and Lord Mayor of Belfast, Mickey Murray (centre) on behalf of Belfast City Council, at a celebration event to mark the end of the successful pilot project in June 2024. Credit: É«ÇéPorn

Cathedral Gardens Active Travel Hub was a two-year pilot project in partnership with Belfast City Council, Ulster University and the Public Health Agency.

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