
Perth Walking and Cycling Index

Formerly known as Bike Life, this is the UK's biggest ever study of walking, wheeling and cycling.

Since 2021, the number of 20mph streets has increased significantly. This is a great step forward in making Perth's streets safer and more appealing, so that more people can walk, wheel and cycle with confidence.

Every year, walking and cycling in Perth results in:


serious long-term health conditions prevented

£42.7 million

in economic benefit for individuals and the region

2,100 tonnes

of greenhouse gas emissions saved

Up to 13,000

cars taken off the road every day

Woman with grey hair in glasses.

Nettie, wheelchair user

I get around Perth in my powered wheelchair. I find the city centre infrastructure to be fairly accessible. The pedestrianised High Street and the well-designed dropped kerbs make my shopping trips enjoyable.

However, I often face obstacles outside of the centre. Simple things like bins in the way, potholes, and misaligned dropped kerbs make my journeys unnecessarily difficult, stressful, and sometimes impossible. Because of this, there are parts of town I unfortunately don鈥檛 go to anymore. This also prevents me from taking part in trips with my friends and family.

People with poor balance or parents with prams also face these barriers. It would be life-changing to听have accessible streets everywhere in Perth.

Perth Walking and Cycling Index report front cover

Download the Perth Walking and Cycling Index

See Perth's vision for walking, wheeling and cycling.

Download the report.

This report is also available in a text-only format.

A dad from Perth encourages others to follow his lead by explaining the practical benefits of his family's adoption of a cargo bike for commuting, shopping and more.

Perth through the years

This is the third time we've collaborated with Perth and Kinross Council to survey active travel in the city. Download our previous reports:

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